Frequently Asked Questions
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You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers! To get started, check out some of our FAQ topics below. If you have general K5 Teachers questions, keep scrolling down and you’ll find those below the FAQ section on this page. And please don’t hesitate in contacting us with your questions or requests. We would love hearing from you!
General Questions
Click on each question below to find out more!
What is K5 Education?
K5 Education is the name of our family educational business. We have several websites focused on educational topics for different groups. Our focus groups include teachers, counselors, and gifted parents and kids.
Do you have a Facebook page or group?
We’ve got both! Please like and follow our Facebook page, and then join the conversation center in our Facebook group!
What are some of your resources?
K5 Counselors provides a central location for quality lessons, activities, and other resources. My blogs will address many of the questions that I have seen posted by counselors. Some blogs will include free related resources and lessons.We also offer a comprehensive classroom curriculum for Pre-K through 6th grade for the school year. The curriculum includes bi-weekly lesson plans, lessons, and associated activities. In addition, there are decorative, colorful “I Can” posters.
What are the standards you follow for your lessons?
Lessons align to ASCA standards and are based on classic children’s literature in a readers’ theater format. You need not search for books or stories, the script is included. There is a separate curriculum for each grade level that is vertically and horizontally aligned for the school year. All materials are white board friendly.The content is based on best practice. A certified K-12 school counselor and teacher who knows what really works in a classroom and school campus created it.
When will the Insider's Club start?
The Insider’s Club is something we plan to create. We will base the decision of when to start on the feedback we get from our community.